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"flonum", "float", 90.0 ] } , { "number" : 10, "data" : [ 5, "obj-90", "flonum", "float", 1.0, 5, "obj-89", "flonum", "float", 2.0, 4, "obj-88", "function", "clear", 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 0.0, 1.426667, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 1377.551024999999981, 1.48, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 3367.346923999999944, 1.506667, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 4285.714355000000069, 1.466667, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 4744.897460999999566, 1.4, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 6122.448730000000069, 1.44, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 7040.816405999999915, 1.44, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 7806.122070000000349, 1.386667, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 9030.612305000000561, 1.44, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 9948.979492000000391, 1.453333, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 10867.346680000000561, 1.44, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 11632.653319999999439, 1.48, 0, 7, "obj-88", "function", "add", 12857.142578000000867, 1.52, 0, 7, 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